Thursday, November 16, 2017

TN Budget Hearings: College Tuition Hikes & A Warranty For Your Education - Chris Bundgaard, Local Memphis

“We have just issued a tuition recommendation of 0 to 3%, which I can assure you it is the envy of the region across the South; to be able to tell our students not only is it going to be 0-3%, its going to be 0-3% again,” says Mike Krause, Tennessee’s Higher Education Executive Director. Then there is word of an education warranty tossed out there by the Board of Regents Chancellor for the state's technical two-year schools. “It’s exactly what it sounds like. If you don't have the skill sets for which we say we have trained you, we will take you back and train you for free,” says Dr. Flora Tydings. The chancellor feels so confident, she hopes to soon give students a warranty card like this. The technical school warranty will also be dependent on the employer saying the student was not trained properly.