Tuesday, October 17, 2017

3 reasons why VR’s killer app will be collaborative - MICHAEL PARK, Venture Beat

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are game-changers for the enterprise, enabling real-time remote collaboration experiences that were simply not possible before. While these technologies have not yet gained traction at a mass-market level, they hold great promise as the most practical use case for immersive technologies.  A key point that resonated with all of these entrepreneurs is that collaborative use cases could spur a huge change in the way we interact in social settings — for better or for worse. As Rousseau says, “I think we’re facing a huge choice as a species: Do we want a future where technology replaces our social needs, like in the movie ‘Her’, or do we want a future where technology enhances our social relationships with real people, so that we can have intense emotional experiences with the people we care about — regardless of the distance?” As we move into an uncertain future where our real identities become increasingly intertwined with our digital identities, we’ll have to decide how we should build our lives around, and within, this new medium. https://venturebeat.com/2017/10/11/3-reasons-why-vrs-killer-app-will-be-collaborative/